Tuesday, May 13, 2014

TV time

I don't watch a lot of television these days. I'm pretty behind on most everything except Sherlock, I'm only caught up there because there's only three episodes per series.

Recently, the spouse and I got a streaming plan so we can watch more than Idaho Public Television and NBC. I know everyone else got a streaming plan around 10 years ago. Shut up. At least we got there, right? Anyway, we got this streaming plan, and now we have a whole bunch of available television and movies that I haven't seen because of being about 6 years behind on television as a whole, so that's very exciting. I can catch up on Oscar winners and horror movies and all things Attenborough (minor aside: I have a crush on David Attenborough's voice. Just the voice.). So what, you may ask, am I watching? What indeed:

Am I a better person for watching this? Oh, no. Is it improving my mind? Hell, no. It is improving my mood, though. Also it makes me a little sad that I never saw Dawson's Creek.  It's a little better than cotton candy and a little worse than chocolate milk for your brain. It's like zucchini bread: it sounds healthy, but it's basically just cake. But there's only two seasons, so I'll probably have a chance to bounce back from it before next semester begins.

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