Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Dear Idaho, part 2

Dear Idaho,

Today is a big day for you. I know it may not seem like it right now, but it's a really, really good day for you, too. I know you feel bullied and victimized by those of us who don't join in your rallying cry of "One woman! One man!" I know you're scared that the values you hold dear are falling by the wayside as we twirl our way to freedom. Shh. I know.

To borrow a great line from a neat guy: It gets better.

It's really going to be okay. And instead of being okay for just some Idahoans, now it's going to be a little more okay for all Idahoans.

Listen: Gay people are getting married all over the country. They're getting married in lots of other countries, too. No heterosexual married couples have imploded. It's not ruining our families or our country. Why would gay marriage possibly be a threat? Why would it be any more threatening for two same sex people to say, "Hey, we love each other, and we want to make a giant, public commitment to that effect in front of our families and friends?" than it is when opposite sex people do it? I'll tell you what's a threat to marriage: Boredom. Familiarity. Disrespect. Violence. Drug abuse. Pictionary. Eating the entire box of Thin Mints before your partner even gets one.

Idaho, you love families. You love love. You love parties. You love presents. You even love those horrible, chalky little pillow mints people often have at weddings. And I'm pretty confident that you love being right, and embracing freedom, and flipping the goddamn double bird to anybody who tries to tell you what to do. This is a big win for you. Come on, let's celebrate.

1 comment:

Margi said...

Truth! Pictionary is much more of a threat to the institution of marriage than a couple that happens to be the same gender.

Pictionary. That bastard.